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Know What To Do If Your Loved One Dies In A Nursing Home


Having a loved one in a nursing home often worries you that you’ll one day get a phone call that they have passed away. While you know that this is probable, it isn’t going to make things any easier when you do get the call. You should be prepared for what steps you need to take next.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to contact the funeral home to complete the death certificate and remove your loved one’s body. This will have to occur quickly because laws prevent the nursing home from being able to keep the body there for very long.

You’ll also have to contact friends and other family members to let them know about the death. Setting up the funeral plans is another task that you or someone else will have to do. You’ll work with the funeral director at the funeral home you called to get this done.

If your loved one was seemingly healthy and you think that nursing home negligence or abuse might be the basis for the demise, you might have a legal claim. In this case, having an autopsy done might be in order, which might change the steps a bit as you may have to contact the coroner to remove the body. Alternatively, you could commission a private autopsy.

Reviewing your case with someone familiar with these issues might be beneficial so you can determine whether you should take legal action or not. If possible, contact the attorney immediately so they can advise you on what steps you might need to take next.
