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Here Is Why You Shouldn’t Get Bed Sores In A Nursing Home


When licensed care providers take care of you or your loved one in a New Mexico nursing home, you can expect them to offer quality care according to state laws and accepted safety and protocol standards. Perhaps, you are the adult child of an elderly parent who recently transitioned to a fully assisted living environment. You no doubt researched many facilities before choosing one that you and your family member believed was a good fit for your family’s needs.

Regarding nursing home care, the topic of bed sores often arises. Those caring for your mother or father know how to help him or her avoid injuries. It is logical that you would be greatly concerned if you were to visit your loved one and notice that he or she is suffering from bed sores. Such situations warrant further investigation, to be sure. Sadly, many patients suffer injuries because of substandard care. That’s why you should know how to protect your loved one’s rights if a problem arises.

Bed Sores Are A Preventable Injury

Bed sores are also pressure ulcers. Especially if your loved one is independently immobile, meaning he or she can’t move around without assistance, there is a risk of bed sore injuries. This is why licensed care providers in nursing homes are supposed to receive training on how to help patients avoid such injuries.

Your loved one’s records no doubt include care instructions. If bed sores are likely, due to immobility, such instructions might say that he or she is to receive assistance to turn over, sit up and otherwise move around on a daily basis — in fact, probably multiple times per day.

Factors That Increase Risk For Pressure Ulcers

Patients who are heavier in weight, as well as those who are under the average weight for their height and age, may be more prone to bed sores than others. Incontinence increases risk for bed sore injuries as well. Patients with little to no bladder or bowel control are at risk because urine or feces can irritate the skin.

Check The Body Every Day

Your loved one may not be able to check his or her body every day. The caretakers in the nursing home where your parent resides are aware that the tailbone and spine, as well as the hips, elbows, back of ears, heels, ankles, knees and hips are bodily areas that often show signs of pressure ulcers. Your loved one’s medical team should keep watch for signs of injury.

If Something Doesn’t Seem Right

Have you ever had a feeling that something just doesn’t seem right, even if you can’t put your finger on exactly what it is? If you feel this type of alert in connection with your loved one in a nursing home, it’s always best to trust your instincts and conduct a thorough investigation. It’s better to be wrong than to miss signs that suggest your loved one has suffered neglect or abuse.
