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What Should I Look For When Selecting A Care Facility?


Looking for a nursing home for your aging parents can seem a daunting task, especially after you have heard about incidents of abuse and neglect throughout New Mexico and the rest of the country. The last thing you want is to find out that the caregivers you entrust with the health and well-being of your parents are not treating them right.

As you may already know, poor care in nursing facilities can result in numerous unpleasant consequences, ranging from your loved one being uncomfortable or becoming ill to being seriously injured or even dying. Verywell Health details a list of things you can look for that may signal a good nursing home. These include the following:

  • The facility provides numerous social, educational, and physical activities to keep residents entertained and engaged
  • Staff is friendly, accommodating, and communicative and treating residents with respect
  • Visitors are welcomed and encouraged
  • The meals served to be of good quality and a decent variety, along with residents’ health, ethical and religious needs regarding food being accommodated
  • Amenities, such as wi-fi and beauty salons, are provided

Additionally, you will want to walk around the facility and observe whether the residents are well-groomed and seem satisfied and engaged in their surroundings. The premises should also be clean, organized, and attractively designed while being free of odors such as urine and feces.

It can be difficult to see your loved ones lose their independence and require assisted care. However, you may gain peace of mind by choosing a nursing home that has all the signs that your parents will be well cared for.
