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What Are Some Red Flags Of Neglect?


It is upsetting when you learn that your loved in not being properly taken care of the people you entrusted him or her with. This is an unfortunate thing that can easily happen if your loved one is in a nursing home. While New Mexico has laws to help prevent neglect, it may still happen. The only way you can protect your loved one is to be aware of the signs of neglect.

There are certain red flags that may signal your loved one is not receiving proper care in a nursing home, according to NextAvenue. Many of the neglect issues you may see are a result of understaffing and not deliberate actions. When a nursing home does not have enough people to care for its residents, it leads to jobs being left undone. Since these jobs directly relate to the care of another person, this is a serious issue.

Some red flags include hygiene issues, loss of mobility and dehydration. If these were never a problem before, it is well worth it to check into things. Your loved one may not be getting proper care or they could signal a health issue. Either way, it is good to get to the bottom of things. Another red flag is an increase in injuries. Finally, look at the overall state of the nursing home. If it seems basic housekeeping is lacking, this could indicate understaffing issues that might or already are affecting your loved one. This information is for education and is not legal advice.
