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New Mexico Ranks At The Bottom For Nursing Home Quality


When you drop loved ones off at a nursing home, you trust they will receive the best of care. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect is a reality, and nowhere is that more evident than right here in New Mexico.

In 2018, a new report revealed that New Mexico had the highest rate of nursing home abuse incidents out of every other state in the nation. Over the course of several years, residents reported 2,217 cases of neglect and abuse. Out of that number, 115 infractions received a score of J, K or L. Within the nursing home industry, cases of negligence receive grades on an A to L scale, with L being the lowest. Therefore, residents of New Mexico with loved ones living in a nursing home need to remain particularly vigilant to ensure these seniors receive the best care.

What Kind Of Cases Came Up?

The report goes into great detail about the conditions present at some of the nursing homes in New Mexico. For instance, at a facility in Santa Fe, inspectors discovered that eight of the residents did not receive the insulin they needed on the schedules provided by their doctors. At another location in Albuquerque, a resident wandered outside the building and was later struck fatally by a vehicle. Numerous other cases like these express the necessity for quality care at nursing homes.

What Can Residents And Loved Ones Do?

Many nursing homes are now on notice, and hopefully, the quality of care at these facilities will improve in the years to come. In the meantime, loved ones of senior citizens can conduct ample research on a facility to see if it has a history of neglecting residents. You can learn much by visiting your loved ones often and taking note of anything that appears off. Additionally, it is critical to register all complaints promptly by contacting New Mexico’s long-term care ombudsman.
