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Can Staying Connected Protect Your Loved One From Abuse?


When your loved one must go to live in a New Mexico nursing home, it is a huge change for everyone involved. You probably believe that this move is the best thing for your loved one. It will keep him or her safer and ensure he or she gets the care needed. However, nursing home abuse is a problem of which you must be aware. One way you might be able to help ensure your loved one does not become a victim of abuse, according to the Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect, is to stay connected.

Staying connected just means staying active in your loved one’s life. Check in often. Call and talk to him or her every single day. Be involved in his or her care decisions. Make sure you get to know the people who care for your loved one on a daily basis. Do not be afraid to ask questions. These actions can help deter abusers and also enable your loved one to feel as if he or she can speak up if something does occur.

In addition, keep an eye on your loved one’s finances. Abuse is not only physical or emotional. It can also be financial. Help your loved one set up a bank account and encourage him or her to not have cash or credit cards that could be easily stolen.

You can also help your loved one to build a network of friends at the nursing home. Encourage him or her to get involved in activities and to make friends with other residents. Having a group of friends means your loved one has people always looking out for him or her even when you cannot be there. This information is for education and is not legal advice.
