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Are Changes In A Loved One Signs Of Abuse?

If you have a loved one in a nursing home in New Mexico, you may worry if you see changes in his or her demeanor or personality. This could be a sign of many things. It can signal abuse or neglect, but it may also be a sign of a medical condition or change in your loved one’s mental health, according to U.S. News and World Report. Knowing what is going on is important to ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved one. 

Older adults in nursing homes may go through certain situations that cause changes in how they act. This could be linked to someone abusing them or not giving them the care they need. At the same time, it could be a side effect of adjusting to their new home. It also could signal a medical condition, such as dementia. It is generally up to you to figure out what is happening because in any case, your loved one needs care to ensure he or she is healthy and happy.

You should start with observing the care your loved is getting. Look at how he or she interacts with the staff. Make sure to observe different staff members at different times. Also, examine your loved one for signs of abuse, such as bruises or other physical issues. Have him or her checked by a doctor to ensure he or she is properly fed and hydrated. 

You cannot always rely on what a loved one says, especially if he or she is suffering from dementia or similar conditions. A person with demensia may think someone is trying to harm him or her even if that person really is not. So, do not rely on your loved one’s accusations alone. Make sure to check out the situation to get the full picture and learn what is really wrong. This information is for education and is not legal advice. 
