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Woman Claims Nursing Home Neglect Lead To Husbands Suffering


There are countless healthcare centers across the country that provide temporary or permanent treatment for patients in need. Many individuals in New Mexico who are admitted to these facilities are unable to express any present discomfort and require around-the-clock supervision. If a patient is not monitored and cared for properly, the result can be catastrophic. A woman in another state is claiming nursing home neglect led to the recent death of her husband.

The man was admitted to the facility in question suffering from severe cognitive impairment. While under its care, he began to have seizures, which at first lasted around 30 seconds each. Reportedly, he had never experienced a seizure prior to his stay at the facility. The staff was aware of his new condition and advised his nurse to provide him with pain medication.

According to reports, the nurse did not administer medication to the patient, and she also failed to contact the on-call physician during this period. His wife claims he suffered severely during this time before ultimately passing away a few days later. The nurse has lost her position within the facility following an investigation into the incident.

A person should never have to watch a loved one suffer and/or pass away as a result of nursing home neglect. If a medical professional and/or facility is determined negligent in a similar situation, surviving family members may be entitled to financial restitution through the civil justice system. Since the process can be complex, many families in New Mexico speak with an experienced attorney for advice on how to file a claim against the party deemed at fault.

Source:, “Waite Park Care Center Nurse Facing Allegations of Neglect after Resident Dies”, Rebecca Omastiak and Jessica Miles, March 23, 2017
