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Living In Fear Of Retaliation Regarding Nursing Home Neglect


Countless patients who reside in care facilities in New Mexico and across the country have been subjected to abuse and/or neglect throughout the years. Unfortunately, many incidents of nursing home neglect or abuse may go unreported, with many fearing retaliation from a medical professional or even the facility. A family in another state is facing similar circumstances after a woman was recently discharged from a facility after filing a report against it.

According to reports, the facility recently notified a family that the woman was being discharged, stating an inability to meet her needs. They claim the news came shortly after she filed a report against the facility with the Department of Health and Human Services. The facility had already received citations for numerous violations since the beginning of the year, including inadequate staffing and improper administration of medication.

A patient who is forced to live in fear of retaliation may often suffer from a never-ending cycle of abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, being forced out of a care facility for filing a report can be just as harmful, especially if family members are unequipped to provide the type of care a loved one needs. When faced with such a dilemma, victims of such negligence might find it beneficial to seek guidance from someone with experience in this area for advice on how to proceed.

Family members often wish to protect loved ones from the dangers of nursing home neglect. When a loved one is forced to suffer under similar circumstances, a family might choose to pursue legal recourse, potentially prompting a need for assistance in the process. By speaking with an experienced attorney, a client in New Mexico could obtain guidance on how to proceed with a claim against the party or parties deemed at fault.

Source:, “Family fears retaliation by nursing home“, Beth Lawrence, July 17, 2017
